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Tony J. Caridi

       DEADLY SINS is the chilling true story of Father Hans Schmidt, the enigmatic thirty-two-year-old Roman Catholic priest, who immigrates to America through Ellis Island in June of 1909, from the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg, Germany. Father Schmidt leaves behind his past transgressions, only to discover in America-new depths to which his depravity and inner demons will lead him. Surrendering to his deep-rooted licentious urges, the priest betrays his holy vows, begins a secret affair, and falls in love with the tempestuous Anna Aumüller, a nineteen-year-old housekeeper at New York City's St. Boniface Church rectory.

        Now pregnant, and scared, the priest's young lover threatens to expose his mortal sins, and more. Not only has Father Schmidt fallen from grace, he and his lover, dentist, Bruce Muret are also at the head of a New York City counterfeiting ring turning out ten and twenty-dollar-bills. In a deranged dusk-till-dawn odyssey, the priest turns to past habits for a solution: bloody murder, dismemberment, and the cold-blackish waters of the Hudson River; as Anna's trust in Hans turns out to be lethal. The psychotic acts of this desperate killer on an early fall evening in 1913, lead New York City's Chief Inspector Joseph Faurot, clue by clue, to a Harlem church and Father Hans Schmidt.

        The priest's apparitions and crimes ultimately lead him to Old Sparky, the electric chair at New York's Sing Sing Prison, and infamy, as Father Hans Schmidt becomes the only Catholic priest executed in United States history.

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